Profile picture for user Tara Kaur

Tara Kaur brings a rich tapestry of experience and deep-rooted passion for holistic wellness to her work as a sound healer. Originally from Białystok, Poland, Tara now resides in northern New York state. Her journey into the realms of healing and transformation began with foundational studies at Baruch College, where she laid the academic groundwork for her future endeavors. However, it was her immersive experiences at Integral Evolutionary Tantra NYC that sparked her profound interest in integrative practices.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to personal growth, Tara expanded her expertise through rigorous training at esteemed institutions such as Somatic Experiencing International, where she honed her understanding of trauma resolution and somatic healing techniques. Her exploration of the transformative power of sound led her to the tutelage of masters like Don Conreaux and Mysterious Tremendum. Further, it deepened her knowledge at the Sage Academy of Sound.

With a holistic approach that integrates body, mind, and spirit, Tara also delved into the realm of energetic healing at the Core Energetics Institute. Her diverse educational background and hands-on experience have equipped her with a unique toolkit for guiding individuals on their paths to wellness and self-discovery.

Today, Tara Kahur stands as a beacon of compassionate guidance and transformative healing. Her commitment to helping others navigate their inner landscapes with sensitivity and wisdom underscores her dedication to fostering holistic well-being and personal empowerment.